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Sunday, June 24, 2012

1 week to holiday and "her"

hey! im back again. lol..
i know i did say that i will post on this blog more often, but i neglect it again. lol..
i forgot about it alright, due to my busy schedule (?).
well, i need to finish my "Surveying field practice" project and report. it's the most trouble some field practice ever. seriously, like EVER. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

there's so much to do, the most hated field practice.
okay, a brief introduction to "surveying", it's basically surveying the field, like construction site and etc..
we need to measure distance and height differences of approximately more than 200 points.
well, the practice is not the troublesome thing, but the report and project you need to go after the practice.
after getting the data of all those points, you need to plot it in a A0 paper, plot each point and connect each point according to each elevation and so on.. after that, you need to write the report about 80 pages.
yes, i type WRITE, not TYPE. like literally you WRITE the report. the most hated part. zzzzzzz
okay, it's done, i have the pic of my report, but i only have it in my phone, havent transfer it to my laptop, gonna upload it some other times.

now im having my final exam, 4 more days to go. not NOW, i'm in my room typing and blogging right now, but i mean each the exam season..
well, the thing with my college is that, exam is WAY more relaxing compare to the non-exam season. most of the exams are open book, just some are closed book, and it's not really difficult, just some.

well, in 1 more week, im gonna have my holiday for 1 and a half month, im goin back to BATAM! yahoo! ahhahaha. i like that place better you know, it just feels better. ahhahahaha. i have my buddies there, fams, and also "her".
you know what "her" means, i dont need to spell it out. heheheh.
we have been in a relationship for 16 months by now. she was my classmate in high school..
i never talk about her right? hahaha.
for people who know me, i might seem to be kinda "thick face" (no shame), LOL, but im actually kinda shy when it comes to this thing. hahaha, though i have a lot of confidence, and that's a good thing for me. hahaha, but when it comes to talk bout this thing publicly, im a bit shy though. hahaha.
well, since im in the mood, im gonna upload her pic..

ta da!!! that's the picture.

but that's not "her", lol... that's jessica from SNSD, she's really pretty, but that's not my "her", maybe someone else's. lol..

now that is really "her". hahaha..
she's a skinny, fair skinned girl. quite tall for a girl though.. maybe 165cm? hehe.
she's kinda cute looking, but she's really skinny.. mayb because she has a kinda healthy diet? she doesnt eat oily thing too much, she doesnt eat the skin of fried chicken like from McD and KFC, just the meat.
she doesnt eat food that is too salty too.. that's why her skin is so clean and fair.
but i always tease her for being too picky towards her food, that's why her face is a bit allergic to dust and oil.
when she eats oily food to much or seafood, pimples (?) will start to grow. well, not pimples thought, just a bit red, kinda like pimples. but it's not. she's a bit allergic. she used to take care of her face and skin with  many products, which i tick her off. cause that's not good. i told her that mayb, bcause of that, her face got allergic too easily.. now she stops using those products, just use some.

she's a nice honest girl.. she's "pure", kinda like a lil child. i always tell her to grow up. lol.
but that's also a part that i like, kinda cute though. the 1st 3 months, we always fought over small things, but then things got better, we communicate and so on. well, we still fight sometimes, but which couple doesnt? lol. ow, btw we are in LDR (long distance relationship) right now.. i go back to batam bout once every 4 months during my holiday. so if we sum it up, we've been in LDR for 8 months by now.
she's a nice girl, i like a her "child like" behaviour, but sometimes it annoys me as well. that's why we fight. lol. i dont know how to say it, but sometimes we miscommunicated, misunderstand, and also some word and actions annoy the other. but we always work it out. well, when we fight, there are times i want to end it, due to the anger, but after a day or two, of perhaps a few hours, i always gave in to her. in the end i always be the one who make up with her..im such a gentleman.
NB : to all girls out there, dont fall for me too easily for that. wkwkwkkw

 i just cant get angry at her for long. i dont know why. im pretty soft right?
maybe im soft, or perhaps i just adore and lover her really much. well, when we fight there are times when the feeling of annoyance appears, but after a few hours, the feeling of being scared of losing her appears as well, sometimes i want to ignore her and let her be the one to apologize of something, but in the end it's always me. lol.  it's hard to say, it's not that im weak, just that the feeling of wanting to pamper her appears. hahaha. mostly we fought through phone, cause i really really cant get angry at her if i meet her in person. especially when she cries. hehehe. she looks like she's really pitiful when she's cry, really cute though. sometimes i like to make her cry. wkwkwkkwkw.

here is another pic of her :

well, after a long post, i would like to say, that even if we fight, even if she annoys me so much sometimes, but i do love her now. i cant say forever, cause we dont even know what will happen tomorrow, but now, i do love her.
oops, im blushing. wkkwkw

well, goodnight!