Hey! Luckily i didnt abandon this blog again.. Lol..
Well.. Today im just gonna tell about... Well work out. Like the title says..
I've been goin to the gym for almost 2 months now.. I've been training my abs n chest for quite a while.. Actually i've started goin to the gym since last semester, but only for a month.. Then i stopped.. Cause i was busy last semester.. So after being absent for 4 months.. I started to go to the gym again this semester.. I started it since the 4th of september.. Been doin it routinely, and avoid fast food.. But well.. Got no obvious changes yet. Well, i do feel changes in my strength, but no physical appearance changes yet.. Now i do sit up while holding a 7.5kg dumbell.. And i can do a 15kilo chest training for 4 full sets.. Also i can do bench press on my own now.. Though not the real heavy one, but yeah.. Definitely got some increase in strength. But i really want to see some physical changes, like just a tiny bit of abs? It can motivates me! But, it's really hard.. Cause it's not bout the strength.. There are techniques to produce some muscles.. Even if u get really strong, it doesnt necessarily means that u will have obvious muscles. Cause there are ways to make it appear.. Like nutrition, fats and etc.. Even if you have nice muscles, you wont be able to see it with a layer of fats covering it. So i've beeb doin cardio and controlling what i eat, and also the amount.. But then, i read that to produce muscles, you need quite a large amount of calories as well, cause without calories, your body wont be able to produce those muscles and also you'll need proteins. Lotsa.. Since im not the fat type, my calorie intake does not exceed my daily limit. And the net says that to produce muscles, i'll need more calories.. Because originally, for people that are working out, they eat for 4-5 times a day, to get the calorie, protein and to maintain their metabolism.. But the problem is i got a bit of fats on my belly, so i really had no god damn idea which method should i go for. Increase calorie intake or reduce it to burn fats.. But in the net, it says that by eating 4-5 times of small portions, you actually speed up ur metabolism, so it helps you maintain a good figure.. That is if you eat proper aka healthy food.. Not fast food and deep fried food, but there actually also several types of food that must be avoided and food that you must eat.. Well eating 4-5 times a day is harder than it sounds.. First of all, money! Even if i eat small portions, they wont give you half price.. It will only be cheaper for a lil bit.. And eating 4-5 times? My budget is too tight.. Secondly, schedule! I go to college for god sake.. There's not much time for me to keep eating! Ckckckck.. It's so difficult.. Well there's a way that is a lil bit easier.. By taking supplement.. But body building supplements are too expensive! Sigh.. So what im doin now is just keep on working out, it's good for my health anw.. What some peoples say are right, do not just aim for the result.. Change ur mindset, and make it part of your lifestyle.. So you wont feel that it's troublesome.. I really hope that i can maintain it, but what i worry is when i got back to batam.. I dont have my own transportation there. So it's hard to be able to go to the gym.. I'll ask andi or rubby to go to the gym together, but they've quit since last year.. Sigh, well let's see..
That's all.. Nite!

About Me

- justiady kalvianto
- helloooo... im a boy.. and it's up to you to judge me.. just check out my blog ^^ also visit my tumblr, by clicking the tumblr logo ^^
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Mid semester test!
Hey! Once again this blog was abandoned for sometimes.. Haha been reading more than posting.. Lol i guess the only active blogs im reading are jane's, dessy's, lia's and erna's.. Haha
Well mostly jane tho, the one that stay loyal to the blog.. Lia dessy and erna only post sometimes.. Then, there's jessy, hanung and rizki.. Beung irresponsible to their poor blog.. Lol
Well... It's the mid semester test of my college now.. Sooo freaking fast.. Half semester has passed now.. Just 2 more months and it's holidayyyy! *\(^o^)/* hip hip hurray! Haha.. Cause my semester break is really long! Around 2 months.. Haha, love it! I could go back home.. Anw, jane's goin back to batam too, miss that BIG girl.. Lol.. Dont hit me jane.. Haha, been in touch with her for the past year via twitter tho.. Anw jane, regarding ur blog post, hmmmm.. Im actually pretty cute you know..(≧∇≦)wkwkwkwk..
Anw, since it's the mid semester im getting NOT busy at all.. In here, mid and final exam are the most relaxing time.. But normal days are the busiest tine with all the ASSignments and reports.. I think i've talked bout that before alr.. Lol
Anw, im actually getting used to life in yogya. Leading a simple plain life.. But i prefer batam ofc.. Not because of my fam n friends, i just like the city more.. Well, mayb it's a biased opinion tho..
Btw, today is my 20th months with angela.. Haha.. Cant believe it's alr 20 months.. Like i always said, time sure does fly! I know im acting like an old man, but it's true.. When u dont realize it, time flies like it's nothin.. Ckckck
Just think bout it, it feels like yesterday that we were in high school, and now im in the 2nd year of my college life.. So almost 50% of my college life is passing.. It's a bit scary to thing bout it tho.. And you will definitely start remembering the past when u think bout it.. All the good things and all the bad things that have happened.. Abd u will start feeling nostalgic.. Hahaha..
Also, i've been fine over here to anyone that is concern bout it.. Even tho only jane will read bout this haha or mayb lia and dessy.. But im not sure.. Haha. Jane doesnt even know bout the section where you can see the post of the blog u are following in the dashboard. Lol...
Well.. I guess this is it.. Not much to tell recently.. Will post something mote interesting next time.. Perhaps.. Haha
Here is a cup of cappuccino that i tried at black canyon coffee in yogyakarta
Well mostly jane tho, the one that stay loyal to the blog.. Lia dessy and erna only post sometimes.. Then, there's jessy, hanung and rizki.. Beung irresponsible to their poor blog.. Lol
Well... It's the mid semester test of my college now.. Sooo freaking fast.. Half semester has passed now.. Just 2 more months and it's holidayyyy! *\(^o^)/* hip hip hurray! Haha.. Cause my semester break is really long! Around 2 months.. Haha, love it! I could go back home.. Anw, jane's goin back to batam too, miss that BIG girl.. Lol.. Dont hit me jane.. Haha, been in touch with her for the past year via twitter tho.. Anw jane, regarding ur blog post, hmmmm.. Im actually pretty cute you know..(≧∇≦)wkwkwkwk..
Anw, since it's the mid semester im getting NOT busy at all.. In here, mid and final exam are the most relaxing time.. But normal days are the busiest tine with all the ASSignments and reports.. I think i've talked bout that before alr.. Lol
Anw, im actually getting used to life in yogya. Leading a simple plain life.. But i prefer batam ofc.. Not because of my fam n friends, i just like the city more.. Well, mayb it's a biased opinion tho..
Btw, today is my 20th months with angela.. Haha.. Cant believe it's alr 20 months.. Like i always said, time sure does fly! I know im acting like an old man, but it's true.. When u dont realize it, time flies like it's nothin.. Ckckck
Just think bout it, it feels like yesterday that we were in high school, and now im in the 2nd year of my college life.. So almost 50% of my college life is passing.. It's a bit scary to thing bout it tho.. And you will definitely start remembering the past when u think bout it.. All the good things and all the bad things that have happened.. Abd u will start feeling nostalgic.. Hahaha..
Also, i've been fine over here to anyone that is concern bout it.. Even tho only jane will read bout this haha or mayb lia and dessy.. But im not sure.. Haha. Jane doesnt even know bout the section where you can see the post of the blog u are following in the dashboard. Lol...
Well.. I guess this is it.. Not much to tell recently.. Will post something mote interesting next time.. Perhaps.. Haha
Here is a cup of cappuccino that i tried at black canyon coffee in yogyakarta
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