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Friday, July 16, 2010

bout hu.

hello guys!!
im going to post bout my new school, like what i said yesterday.
this new school of mine( hu ) is actually not bad, not much different that djuwita, the difference is that djuwita is more high class. .
let's say the "bad side" first :
1. hu looks really nice from outside, but actually not really good from the inside. i dont like hu's interior wall color. it's all white! on top of that, they never repaint their wall, so it looks dirty.
2. their office boy doesnt mop n sweep the floor often, so the floor is dirty, and there are a lot of black stain on the floor. (unlike in djuwita, where u can even sit or sleep on the floor). djuwita's interior is still the best!
3. the class rooms are kinda dark, it hurts my eyes when i was trying to read from the board. unlike in djuwita, where the lighting is great!

[to my djuwita's friends : dont complain that djuwita looks good from the outside n looks bad from the inside, at least djuwita's interior still looks good]

the "good side" :

1. their teachers are SOLID !!! they are able to teach and understand their own subject well . . .
they have this fisika teacher that made me respect him so much! he got this air around him that makes people respect him (berwibawa). he is.... hmmmmmm... "kebapakan". heheheh, also good in teaching.
their phillipino english teacher is really good too!
2. they give the year 12 students not only the year 12 books, but also some books for UN.
3. their new canteen is so relaxing, nice atmosphere! it's a 2 storey pool side canteen! nice view from the 2nd floor!
*2 type of view : - the landscape
                          - the cute and pretty girls
wkkwkwkwkwkwk. . . ^_^

the thing i dont like bout hu (can be good and bad ) :
1. no handphone.
2.too discipline : boys cant have long hair! so i must cut my hair frequently! damn! my nice handsome style will be gone!!
huhuhuhuhuhuhu T_T. on top of that, i must cut my fringe! damn damn damn damn damn damn, DAMN!
3. in djuwita, the year 12 students will have their drills starting from the 2nd semester, but in HU, the drill start immediately! so i wont have clubs, i wont have P.E, no music, no nothing! just UN subject + history, pkn, agama and international subject like "physics", "chemistry" and "biology" everyday!!! imagine that!!!!
grrrrrr... when i heard that there will be no more p.e for me, i was so heart broken! huhuhuhuhu.... T_T
4. bad paint
5. dirty floor
6. bad lighting in class

(sorry, no pics, cause i cant bring my phone to school, so i cant take any pics)

sigh, i thought i could play basketball with some good players in hu, sigh... no more P.E . . .
ckckckck. . .

i guess that is all, bye bye!

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