hey there... im back. hihihihi.
but today, im goin to post something bad....
the world just lost a great man.. my uncle passed away last tuesday...
at around 5 pm, the same time with the eruption of mount merapi...
he had not illnesses at all... he fainted and passed away just like that...
maybe it IS time...
he was a great man, he was more like a father to me than an uncle....
he helped me and my fam a lot... 1000 thx to him....
he was sent to the burner yesterday at nongsa, and just now we took his ashes and brought it to the temple.
we performed some ritual yesterday and today....
the proof : among his ashes, there were green colored ashes. i wonder if it's relic??? people say that only a kind hearted man will have that kind of ashes....
im gonna miss him so much....
thanks for everything he had done for us...

About Me

- justiady kalvianto
- helloooo... im a boy.. and it's up to you to judge me.. just check out my blog ^^ also visit my tumblr, by clicking the tumblr logo ^^
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
mental genocide.
out of energy to be energetic. hihihi....
today, we had our tryout....
a surprise try out. ckkckcckck
at around 12 pm, our principal came to our class and said that we were goin to have our try out...
120 QUESTIONS!!! uggggghhhhh..... :p
6 subjects at once, 120 questions!!!
we had our try out from 12.30 pm to 16.30 pm.
we were allowed to open our book, so it didnt matter that it's a surprise try out...
but the problem it, the questions were sooooooooooooooo difficult!!! some were "solve able", but still belong to the "hard" category...
the questions were from primagama... our principal went to primagama and asked for it...
im sure that the questions are not UN's questions... it's too difficult...
the questions were based on the UN, but they raised the difficulty...
for UN, we must solve a question within 3 minutes, so for 120 questions we need 6 hours!!!
but we were only given less than 4 hours. ckckckckck...
it was so tiring!!! my brain was like goin to burst. though we were able to cheat, but i didnt..
i did it myself. ehheheeheh....
the physics questions were the mooooooooooooooosssssssssssttttttttttttt difficult!!!
we were stressed to the core....
even though i know that UN's question wont be so difficult, but those questions made me realize that im really really not ready yet for UN.... we were totally not ready yet!!!! cause while i was doin those questions, i forgot a lot of formula and questions that i had done before...
glad that UN has been postponed to the 4th of april.. hehehehe
that is all...
bye bye!!1
out of energy to be energetic. hihihi....
today, we had our tryout....
a surprise try out. ckkckcckck
at around 12 pm, our principal came to our class and said that we were goin to have our try out...
120 QUESTIONS!!! uggggghhhhh..... :p
6 subjects at once, 120 questions!!!
we had our try out from 12.30 pm to 16.30 pm.
we were allowed to open our book, so it didnt matter that it's a surprise try out...
but the problem it, the questions were sooooooooooooooo difficult!!! some were "solve able", but still belong to the "hard" category...
the questions were from primagama... our principal went to primagama and asked for it...
im sure that the questions are not UN's questions... it's too difficult...
the questions were based on the UN, but they raised the difficulty...
for UN, we must solve a question within 3 minutes, so for 120 questions we need 6 hours!!!
but we were only given less than 4 hours. ckckckckck...
it was so tiring!!! my brain was like goin to burst. though we were able to cheat, but i didnt..
i did it myself. ehheheeheh....
the physics questions were the mooooooooooooooosssssssssssttttttttttttt difficult!!!
we were stressed to the core....
even though i know that UN's question wont be so difficult, but those questions made me realize that im really really not ready yet for UN.... we were totally not ready yet!!!! cause while i was doin those questions, i forgot a lot of formula and questions that i had done before...
glad that UN has been postponed to the 4th of april.. hehehehe
that is all...
bye bye!!1
Sunday, October 17, 2010
after 5 months.
helloooo. everybody!!! ahhahahahaah
this post is about yesterday and today....
yesterday.... at around 1 pm, i went to bcs with jessy, jane, hanung, and rizki...
it was a hang out.. it's been sometimes since our last hang out...
we went to gramedia, max, and we ate at madam tompel... heheheeheheh
here are some pics :
taking picture of his normal fried rice... moron. wahahahahah
we were watching some dancing kids.
we took a pic with a doraemon on diet...
im goin to heaven, i can see a light... the angels have come to pick me up.. wahahahahahah.
see the light??? ahhahahaha
after that at around 3.30 pm, we went to yehonala.
we, the trojans were having a come back. ahahhahahaah
we were having a bball match with yehonala. eheheheheh
we havent played for 5 months!!! hahahahaha
but we won... the score was 41 to 31. eheheheheh...
even though our performance wasnt good enough, but whatever.. what do u expect after 5 months???
our team pic
now for my activity today....
like what i've done every week, i went to vihara today...
and after that, pak ngateman told me, andi n sugi to stay...
we were told to be the............ how to say... hmmmmmmmm..........
the one who present the offering for next week kathina day...
kathina is the day when buddhist donate robe, medicine and money for the vihara and bhikku.
during kathina day, there are a total of 7 boys and girls wearing robe and present the offering to the altar.
after that, we will pray, then the bhikku will give lecture and then we will line up and give them our donation.
i will be the 1st one to present the offering. i will be the one who bring the candle...
eheheheheheh.. we will all wear a white robe.
just like that.. hahahaha. that is the robe. ehheheeh.
after practicing, we went to bcs and watched centurion. not a really good movie..
after that all of my friends went home, and as usual, im the only one left alone. ckckckck
that is the fate of a single... heeheheh
that is all.
good bye!!!
this post is about yesterday and today....
yesterday.... at around 1 pm, i went to bcs with jessy, jane, hanung, and rizki...
it was a hang out.. it's been sometimes since our last hang out...
we went to gramedia, max, and we ate at madam tompel... heheheeheheh
here are some pics :
taking picture of his normal fried rice... moron. wahahahahah
we were watching some dancing kids.
we took a pic with a doraemon on diet...
im goin to heaven, i can see a light... the angels have come to pick me up.. wahahahahahah.
see the light??? ahhahahaha
after that at around 3.30 pm, we went to yehonala.
we, the trojans were having a come back. ahahhahahaah
we were having a bball match with yehonala. eheheheheh
we havent played for 5 months!!! hahahahaha
but we won... the score was 41 to 31. eheheheheh...
even though our performance wasnt good enough, but whatever.. what do u expect after 5 months???
our team pic
now for my activity today....
like what i've done every week, i went to vihara today...
and after that, pak ngateman told me, andi n sugi to stay...
we were told to be the............ how to say... hmmmmmmmm..........
the one who present the offering for next week kathina day...
kathina is the day when buddhist donate robe, medicine and money for the vihara and bhikku.
during kathina day, there are a total of 7 boys and girls wearing robe and present the offering to the altar.
after that, we will pray, then the bhikku will give lecture and then we will line up and give them our donation.
i will be the 1st one to present the offering. i will be the one who bring the candle...
eheheheheheh.. we will all wear a white robe.
just like that.. hahahaha. that is the robe. ehheheeh.
after practicing, we went to bcs and watched centurion. not a really good movie..
after that all of my friends went home, and as usual, im the only one left alone. ckckckck
that is the fate of a single... heeheheh
that is all.
good bye!!!
Saturday, October 09, 2010
mid semester report.
hahahahah. today, saturday october 9th 2010. i received my 1st report as a student of HU. ehhehe
well, technically my mother was the one who received the report. ahhaahahahah
i was at home watching cartoon. LOL. ahahahah
i ranked 6 out of 26 students in my class. eheheheh. my scores are quite good. ehehheehe
though i expected to be top 5. eheheheh. but whatever....
here's my score :
agama : 86
pkn : 70
b.indo : 80
b.inggris : 85
mtk : 92!!!!!!!!!!
fisika : 83
biologi : 97!!!!!!!!!!
kimia : 87
sejarah : 83
seni budaya : 82
pendidikan jasmani : 82
teknologi informasi :83
mandarin : 85
math :89
physics : 93
biology : 70 (no surprise)
chem : 93.
total : 84.83
eventhough im not top 5. but, what ever!!!
here are the pics of my report :
that is the where all my scores are listed
the report card is in a form of a folder.....
that is all. goodbye!!!!
hahahahah. today, saturday october 9th 2010. i received my 1st report as a student of HU. ehhehe
well, technically my mother was the one who received the report. ahhaahahahah
i was at home watching cartoon. LOL. ahahahah
i ranked 6 out of 26 students in my class. eheheheh. my scores are quite good. ehehheehe
though i expected to be top 5. eheheheh. but whatever....
here's my score :
agama : 86
pkn : 70
b.indo : 80
b.inggris : 85
mtk : 92!!!!!!!!!!
fisika : 83
biologi : 97!!!!!!!!!!
kimia : 87
sejarah : 83
seni budaya : 82
pendidikan jasmani : 82
teknologi informasi :83
mandarin : 85
math :89
physics : 93
biology : 70 (no surprise)
chem : 93.
total : 84.83
eventhough im not top 5. but, what ever!!!
here are the pics of my report :
that is the where all my scores are listed
the report card is in a form of a folder.....
that is all. goodbye!!!!
Saturday, October 02, 2010
is man half color blind or woman???
hey yo everybody!!
hahahaha. im back to post, but this time im going to give you guys some information/education.
ever since i was in secondary, i've heard a lot of girls saying that boys are half color blinded...
im about to prove that wrong!!!
i studied this in biology....
here it is :
color blind is a disease being carried by chromosom x.
here is the symbol :
x" = infected chromosom x (color blind)
x = normal
y = normal
boys = xy
girls = xx.
color blind is a disease that can be passed down from parents to their child...
so when a woman or man is color blind, the infected chromosom x could be passed down to their next generation..
now,to the point...
man has 1 x chromosom n 1 y chromosom, so when that 1 x chromosom is infected, than he is 100% color blind. (x"y)
woman has 2 x chromosoms, when 1 of that chromosom is infected (x"x), she is not color blind, she is normal, but she is a carrier of color blind, a carrier of the illness that can pass that down to her next generation.
when both her x chromosoms are infected(x"x"), than she is 100% color blind...
man CANNOT be half color blind, because it's either 100% or 0%!!!
woman has the chance of being half color blind!!! it's between 0%, 50% n 100%!!!
cause woman can be the carrier, while man CANNOT be the carrier. man can only be the infected..
so men that are not color blind, like me,hanung, rizky, dwiki, etc.. we are 100% free from the infected x chromosom!!! we are clean.. we are XY. no infected x chromosom, cause if we have the infected x chromosom, we would be color blind!! we wont be able to tell the differences between all those colors...
for women that are not color blind, they have the chance to be infected!!! cause normal women which are not color blind, for example jessy,jane,jumriani,tandrian and etc, even though they are not color blind, it could be that they are not XX but X"X, there's a chance that they have the infected chromosom x! there's a chance that they are the carrier.. cause normal women are between XX n X"X!! color blind women are X"X".
so this proves that men are not half color blind, but women are the one who have the chance to be half color blind!!! it's true that men have more chance to be color blind, the have 50% chance to be color blind,
while women only have 33.3% to be color blind. but women have more chance to have the infected chromosom x. they have 66.6 %!!!. because women can be the carrier of the illness.
the conclusion is :
thank you.
hahahaha. im back to post, but this time im going to give you guys some information/education.
ever since i was in secondary, i've heard a lot of girls saying that boys are half color blinded...
im about to prove that wrong!!!
i studied this in biology....
here it is :
color blind is a disease being carried by chromosom x.
here is the symbol :
x" = infected chromosom x (color blind)
x = normal
y = normal
boys = xy
girls = xx.
color blind is a disease that can be passed down from parents to their child...
so when a woman or man is color blind, the infected chromosom x could be passed down to their next generation..
now,to the point...
man has 1 x chromosom n 1 y chromosom, so when that 1 x chromosom is infected, than he is 100% color blind. (x"y)
woman has 2 x chromosoms, when 1 of that chromosom is infected (x"x), she is not color blind, she is normal, but she is a carrier of color blind, a carrier of the illness that can pass that down to her next generation.
when both her x chromosoms are infected(x"x"), than she is 100% color blind...
man CANNOT be half color blind, because it's either 100% or 0%!!!
woman has the chance of being half color blind!!! it's between 0%, 50% n 100%!!!
cause woman can be the carrier, while man CANNOT be the carrier. man can only be the infected..
so men that are not color blind, like me,hanung, rizky, dwiki, etc.. we are 100% free from the infected x chromosom!!! we are clean.. we are XY. no infected x chromosom, cause if we have the infected x chromosom, we would be color blind!! we wont be able to tell the differences between all those colors...
for women that are not color blind, they have the chance to be infected!!! cause normal women which are not color blind, for example jessy,jane,jumriani,tandrian and etc, even though they are not color blind, it could be that they are not XX but X"X, there's a chance that they have the infected chromosom x! there's a chance that they are the carrier.. cause normal women are between XX n X"X!! color blind women are X"X".
so this proves that men are not half color blind, but women are the one who have the chance to be half color blind!!! it's true that men have more chance to be color blind, the have 50% chance to be color blind,
while women only have 33.3% to be color blind. but women have more chance to have the infected chromosom x. they have 66.6 %!!!. because women can be the carrier of the illness.
the conclusion is :
thank you.
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