hey hey hey!!! how are you all doing? *though perhaps only 4(max) will read this*
hahhaha. have been sometimes since the last time i post right? got some problems with my internet, and got nothing to post about. hahaha.
well, but im back for another post though.
yeah, like the title, im going to evaluate my 1st semester of college i UNIVERSITAS ATMA JAYA YOGYAKARTA. cant believe that it has been 1 semester... time flies! it felt like it was just a month ago when i was having the orientation and met my new classmates.. hahaha. cant believe it.. im having my final exam on the 12th of december until 22nd of december, and im going back to batam on the 23rd of december till the mid of february! WOOOOHOOOO!!! 2 months of holiday in batam! i can hang out with all my friends and go out with angela. hehehe.
well, i learnt quite a lot in this semester though. things i didnt know before, now i know (at least by a bit).
not only subjects but also some experience... i posted bout being an MC and committee of the EACEF. it was a great experience, met a lot of people, learn some soft skills... thanks to my english lecturer for giving me a chance to be a part of the EACEF.
for my subjects, i have 8 subjects... hmmmmm... i think i did quite well in most of the subject, just about 2 or 3 subjects that i didnt do quite well, but i dont think i did real bad though.. just perhaps "average". hahaha.
but for the others, im quite satisfied with it though..
this year, a new system has been applied.. the remedial system.. so after the final exam, if fail a subject, i need to take the remedial test, the test will be on the middle of january, but im goin back to batam on 23rd of december, so i decided to skip the remedial exam by doing my best in the final exam... furthermore, from my mid test and from my daily performance, i dont think i will fail though... at least a C... a C, you can choose to have the remedial or not, but i prefer to skip the remedial, and take the C. when i want to improve my grade for that subject, then i will retake it in the next year, because taking the remedial will just get you a B, and you need to pay for the price of 1 module, so it's better to retake it in the future i think.
well anyway, i hope i wont fail, and no C! im gonna work hard and also, please wish me luck and pray for me! ahahha. thanks!
well that is all though, bye bye!